Thursday, March 26, 2009

Is the incompetent Geithner capable of doing anything right?

One would think after the AIG bonuses fiasco, the Treasury Secretary Geithner would have taken his job more seriously. Wrong!

Just yesterday (3/25) this incompetent Geithner with no common sense open his big mouth saying China’s suggestion of replacing the dollar with basket of currencies as world reserve currency “deserves some consideration”! His remark cause a dollar free fall until he “clarify” his remark later in the day.

If we looked at the rollercoaster ride of dollar which is the second fiasco Geithner has caused in not so many days, he is incompetent at best. If we are more cynical, we would wonder if Geithner has done in purpose to let some currencies opportunists making a quick profit and demand an investigation!

Regardless, Geithner right now is seeking more power to regulate companies. While we agree some kind of oversight may be needed, we have no confident at all this incompetent is capable of doing the right thing and one really needs to ask Obama, why you still keep this guy on the job?

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