Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Too Much Too Soon or Too Little Too Late?

The liberal presses finally start to criticize Obama or at least start to question his policies. But those liberal presses seems still tying hard to give Obama some excuses to perform poorly. The most ridicules one is Obama trying to do “too much too soon”!

Too much too soon? Those liberals must live in a different world! What we have seen is two month of do little that is next to nothing! No wonder the stock market dropped to 12 years low AFTER he took office! The market is result driven. When the market sees Obama is nothing but empty talks, market reflects. Only this Monday it seems Obama finally is going to take some steps to tackle the problems.

While we can’t say for sure what Obama has done is too little too late, we are sure it is NOT the liberal’s fantasy of “too much too soon”!

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